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Salomon XT-4
Salomon XT-4: An unrivaled shoe
Do you prefer unexpected adventures, or do you prefer to have everything well planned to ensure you don't miss a single detail? Either way, you should always be well-equipped and the essential in all situations is to have good footwear. Discover now the stability and cushioning to the maximum exponent with the Salomon XT-4 Advanced and Salomon XT-4 black. A shoe with which nothing and no one can stop you. What are you waiting for?
Salomon XT-4 Avanced: Stability and cushioning
A trail running model with an upper made with TPU overlays fixed to the mesh that is abrasion resistant in order to make the shoe much lighter, less bulky and ready for any type of terrain. Equipped with the Agile Chassis™ System (ACS), which is located between the insole and outsole, it offers great stability over any distance; while its exclusive outsole with Contagrip® stud design provides maximum grip and traction. All you need is Salomon XT-4 on feet. Don't hesitate any longer and start your new adventure with your new XT-4 Salomon, Salomon XT-4 Avd or Salomon S LAB XT-4!
Find the XT-4 in hundreds of styles at SVD: ranging from the more technical Lab line version to the coveted Salomon XT-4 hiking shoes, a design that has been put on the radar of sneakerheads and fashion enthusiasts by Hailey Bieber for the upcoming season.