Salomon XT-6 Beige
Salomon, hailing from the heart of the French Alps, has been crafting top-notch outdoor gear since 1947. Their vision has always been to push the limits of innovation, taking explorers to new heights and terrains with unmatched quality.
Get ready to embrace the wild with the Salomon XT-6, a standout from the Fall/Winter 2024 collection. This renowned model is celebrated for its resilience and performance, making it a favourite among trail enthusiasts. Featuring a sleek and sophisticated beige design, these trainers combine functionality with a stylish edge. They're designed to tackle the toughest terrains while keeping you comfortable and supported. Don’t miss your chance to elevate your adventures with the Salomon XT-6, exclusively at SVD. Shop now and take the trail by storm!
- Textile and synthetic upper
- Technical lacing system
- Cord-lock lacing system
- Textile lining
- Rubber outsole
- Padded collar
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